HTML Tags Chart



Code Example

Browser View

<!-- comment <!--This can be viewed in the HTML part of a document--> Nothing will show (Tip)
<A - anchor <A HREF="">Visit Our Site</A> Visit Our Site (Tip)
<B> bold <B>Example</B> Example
<BIG> big (text) <BIG>Example</BIG> Example (Tip)
<BODY> body of HTML document <BODY>The content of your HTML page</BODY> Contents of your web page (Tip)
<BR> line break The contents of your page<BR>The contents of your page The contents of your web page
The contents of your web page
<CENTER> center <CENTER>This will center your contents</CENTER>

This will center your contents

<DD> definition description <DL>
<DT>Definition Term
<DD>Definition of the term
<DT>Definition Term
<DD>Definition of the term
Definition Term
Definition of the term
Definition Term
Definition of the term
<DL> definition list <DL>
<DT>Definition Term
<DD>Definition of the term
<DT>Definition Term
<DD>Definition of the term
Definition Term
Definition of the term
Definition Term
Definition of the term
<DT> definition term <DL>
<DT>Definition Term
<DD>Definition of the term
<DT>Definition Term
<DD>Definition of the term
Definition Term
Definition of the term
Definition Term
Definition of the term
<EM> emphasis This is an <EM>Example</EM> of using the emphasis tag This is an Example of using the emphasis tag
embed object <EMBED src="yourfile.mid" width="100%" height="60" align="center">
<EMBED> embed object <EMBED src="yourfile.mid" autostart="true" hidden="false" loop="false">
<noembed><bgsound src="yourfile.mid" loop="1"></noembed>

<bgsound src="wonderfu.mid" autostart="false" loop="1">
Music will begin playing when your page is loaded and will only play one time. A control panel will be displayed to enable your visitors to stop the music.
<FONT> font <FONT FACE="Times New Roman">Example</FONT> Example (Tip)
<FONT> font <FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE="4">Example</FONT> Example (Tip)
<FONT> font <FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE="+3" COLOR="#FF0000">Example</FONT> Example (Tip)
<FORM> form <FORM action="">
Name: <INPUT name="Name" value="" size="10"><BR>
Email: <INPUT name="Email" value="" size="10"><BR>
<CENTER><INPUT type="submit"></CENTER>
Name: (Tip)
<H1> heading 1 <H1>Heading 1 Example</H1>

Heading 1 Example

<H2> heading 2 <H2>Heading 2 Example</H2>

Heading 2 Example

<H3> heading 3 <H3>Heading 3 Example</H3>

Heading 3 Example

<H4> heading 4 <H4>Heading 4 Example</H4>

Heading 4 Example

<H5> heading 5 <H5>Heading 5 Example</H5>
Heading 5 Example
<H6> heading 6 <H6>Heading 6 Example</H6>
Heading 6 Example
<HEAD> heading of HTML document <HEAD>Contains elements describing the document</HEAD> Nothing will show
<HR> horizontal rule <HR>
Contents of your web page (Tip)

Contents of your web page
<HR> horizontal rule <HR WIDTH="50%" SIZE="3"> Contents of your web page

Contents of your web page
<HR> horizontal rule <HR WIDTH="50%" SIZE="3" NOSHADE> Contents of your web page

Contents of your web page
horizontal rule <HR WIDTH="75%" COLOR="#FF0000" SIZE="4"> Contents of your web page

Contents of your web page
horizontal rule <HR WIDTH="25%" COLOR="#6699FF" SIZE="6"> Contents of your web page

Contents of your web page
<HTML> hypertext markup language <HTML><HEAD><META><TITLE>Title of your web page</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>HTML web page contents</BODY></HTML> Contents of your web page
<I> italic <I>Example</I> Example
<IMG> image <IMG SRC="Earth.gif" WIDTH="41" HEIGHT="41" BORDER="0" ALT="a sentence about your web site"> a sentence about your site (Tip)
<INPUT> input field Example 1:

<FORM METHOD=post ACTION="/cgi-bin/example.cgi">
<INPUT type="text" size="10" maxlength="30">
<INPUT type="Submit" VALUE="Submit">
Example 1: (Tip)

(Internet Explorer)
input field Example 2:

<FORM METHOD=post ACTION="/cgi-bin/example.cgi">
<INPUT type="text" STYLE="color: #FFFFFF; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; background-color: #72A4D2;" size="10" maxlength="30">
<INPUT type="Submit" VALUE="Submit">
Example 2: (Tip)

<INPUT> input field Example 3:

<FORM METHOD=post ACTION="/cgi-bin/example.cgi">
<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="2"><TR><TD BGCOLOR="#8463FF"><INPUT type="text" size="10" MAXLENGTH="30"></TD><TD BGCOLOR="#8463FF" VALIGN="Middle"> <INPUT type="image" name="submit" src="yourimage.gif"></TD></TR> </TABLE>
Example 3: (Tip)

<INPUT> input field Example 4:

<FORM METHOD=post ACTION="/cgi-bin/example.cgi">
Enter Your Comments:<BR>
<TEXTAREA wrap="virtual" name="Comments" rows=3 cols=20 MAXLENGTH=100></TEXTAREA><BR>
<INPUT type="Submit" VALUE="Submit">
<INPUT type="Reset" VALUE="Clear">
Example 4: (Tip)

<INPUT> input field Example 5:

<FORM METHOD=post ACTION="/cgi-bin/example.cgi">
Select an option:
<OPTION >option 1
<OPTION>option 3
<OPTION>option 4
<OPTION>option 5
<OPTION>option 6
<INPUT type="Submit" VALUE="Submit"></CENTER>

Example 5: (Tip)

Select an option:

<INPUT> input field Example 6:

<FORM METHOD=post ACTION="/cgi-bin/example.cgi">
Select an option:<BR>
<INPUT type="radio" name="option"> Option 1
<INPUT type="radio" name="option" CHECKED> Option 2
<INPUT type="radio" name="option"> Option 3
Select an option:<BR>
<INPUT type="checkbox" name="selection"> Selection 1
<INPUT type="checkbox" name="selection" CHECKED> Selection 2
<INPUT type="checkbox" name="selection"> Selection 3
<INPUT type="Submit" VALUE="Submit">
Example 6: (Tip)

Select an option:
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3

Select an option:
Selection 1
Selection 2
Selection 3
<LI> list item Example 1:

<LI type="disc">List item 1
<LI type="circle">List item 2
<LI type="square">List item 3

Example 2:

<OL type="i">
<LI>List item 1
<LI>List item 2
<LI>List item 3
<LI>List item 4
Example 1: (Tip)
  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3

Example 2:

  1. List item 1
  2. List item 2
  3. List item 3
  4. List item 4
<LINK> link Visit our <A HREF="">site</A> Visit our site
scrolling text <MARQUEE bgcolor="#CCCCCC" loop="-1" scrollamount="2" width="100%">Example Marquee</MARQUEE> Example Marquee
<MARGINWIDTH> marginwidth margin tags are written: < marginwidth="">, put a value of 70 in between the speech marks click here for an example
<MENU> menu <MENU>
<LI type="disc">List item 1
<LI type="circle">List item 2
<LI type="square">List item 3
  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3
<META> meta <META name="Description" content="Description of your site">
<META name="keywords" content="keywords describing your site">
Nothing will show (Tip)
<META> meta <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="4;URL="> Nothing will show (Tip)
<META> meta <META http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> Nothing will show (Tip)
<META> meta <META name="rating" content="General"> Nothing will show (Tip)
<META> meta <META name="ROBOTS" content="ALL"> Nothing will show (Tip)
<META> meta <META NAME="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX,FOLLOW"> Nothing will show (Tip)
<OL> ordered list Example 1:

<LI>List item 1
<LI>List item 2
<LI>List item 3
<LI>List item 4

Example 2:

<OL type="a">
<LI>List item 1
<LI>List item 2
<LI>List item 3
<LI>List item 4

Example 1:
  1. List item 1
  2. List item 2
  3. List item 3
  4. List item 4

Example 2:

  1. List item 1
  2. List item 2
  3. List item 3
  4. List item 4
<OPTION> listbox option <FORM METHOD=post ACTION="/cgi-bin/example.cgi">
Select an option:
<OPTION>option 1
<OPTION>option 3
<OPTION>option 4
<OPTION>option 5
<OPTION>option 6
Select an option: (Tip)

<P> paragraph This is an example displaying the use of the paragraph tag. <P> This will create a line break and a space between lines.


Example 1:<BR>
<P align="left">
This is an example<BR>
displaying the use<BR>
of the paragraph tag.<BR>
Example 2:<BR>
<P align="right">
This is an example<BR>
displaying the use<BR>
of the paragraph tag.<BR>
Example 3:<BR>
<P align="center">
This is an example<BR>
displaying the use<BR>
of the paragraph tag.

This is an example displaying the use of the paragraph tag.

This will create a line break and a space between lines.


Example 1:

This is an example
displaying the use
of the paragraph tag.

Example 2:

This is an example
displaying the use
of the paragraph tag.

Example 3:

This is an example
displaying the use
of the paragraph tag.

<SMALL> small (text) <SMALL>Example</SMALL> Example (Tip)
<STRONG> strong emphasis <STRONG>Example</STRONG> Example
<TABLE> table Example 1:

<TD>Column 1</TD>
<TD>Column 2</TD>

Example 2: (Internet Explorer)

<TD>Column 1</TD>
<TD>Column 2</TD>

Example 3:

<TD>Row 2</TD>
<TD>Row 2</TD>

Example 1: (Tip)
Column 1 Column 2

Example 2: (Tip)
Column 1 Column 2

Example 3: (Tip)
Column 1 Column 2
Row 2 Row 2

<TD>Column 1</TD>
<TD>Column 2</TD>


Column 1 Column 2

<TH> table header <DIV align="center"><TABLE>
<TH>Column 1</TH>
<TH>Column 2</TH>
<TH>Column 3</TH>

<TD>Row 2</TD>
<TD>Row 2</TD>
<TD>Row 2</TD>
<TD>Row 3</TD>
<TD>Row 3</TD>
<TD>Row 3</TD>
<TD>Row 4</TD>
<TD>Row 4</TD>
<TD>Row 4</TD>
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Row 2 Row 2 Row 2
Row 3 Row 3 Row 3
Row 4 Row 4 Row 4
<COLSPAN> colspan colspan commands go in the <td tag> and are written: <td colspan="2">,
row 1 cell 1. row 1 cell 2
row 2 cell 1
<CELLPADDING> cellpadding CELLPADDING is the pixel space between the cell contents and the cell border. The default for this property is also zero. This feature is not used often, but sometimes comes in handy when you have your borders turned on and you want the contents to be "away" from the border a bit for easy viewing. CELLPADDING is invisible, even with the BORDER property turned on.

<table border="1" cellpadding="10">
<td>some text</td>
<td>some text</td>
<td>some text</td>
<td>some text</td>

some text some text
some text some text
< CELLSPACING > cellspacing CELLSPACING is the pixel width between the individual data cells in the TABLE. (The thickness of the lines makeing the TABLE grid). The default is zero. If the BORDER is set at 0, the CELLSPACING lines will be invisible.

<table border="1" cellspacing="5">
<td>some text</td>
<td>some text</td>
<td>some text</td>
<td>some text</td>

some text some text
some text some text
<COLSPAN> colspan colspan commands go in the <td tag> and are written: <td colspan="2">,
row 1 cell 1. row 1 cell 2
row 2 cell 1
<ROWSPAN> rowspan rowspan commands go in the <td tag> and are written: <td rowspan="2">,
row 1 cell 1 row 1 cell 2
row 2 cell 2


Applies to:




Thickness of a visible border.

table: When the border attribute is missing, the table will not show a border, but the space for a border is there. border="0" makes the border vanish and the space for a border is gone, too.



White space between cell border and cell contents. Values are in pixels. Default is 1



White space between cells. If cells have borders, this creates a gap between the lines.

Values are in pixels. The default value is 2.





table: a number of pixels or a percentage of the window size. Height is rarely set on purpose. WYSIWYG programs may set height automatically.

td: a number of pixels or a percentage of the table size for width and of window size for height.



table: Aligns whole table on the page. Value can be only left or right. Text will wrap around the table. Some browsers do not support this property for table.

To center a table you must use a trick. Surround the table with a centered division tag plus a deprecated CENTER tag:

<div align="center"><center>  </center></div>

tr or td: Aligns contents of cells. Value can be left , right , or center.



Aligns the contents of each cell vertically in the cell. Values can be top , middle , bottom, or baseline . Some browsers do not support this attribute for table.




Sets how many rows or columns the cell should span. rowspan ="3" is like merging three cells in the same column. colspan ="2"  is like merging two cells in the same row.




Sets the background color. Values are color numbers #rrggbb or color names.




Sets a background image. Value is the URL for the image. Netscape also accepts this attribute for tr.





Sets the color for border. The border attribute must be set in <table>for this to work in <tr> or <td>.
A border can use two colors to create a 3D effect. Netscape does not understand any of these attributes.
<TITLE> document title <TITLE>Title of your HTML page</TITLE> Title of your web page will be viewable in the title bar. (Tip)
<TD>Column 1</TD>
<TD>Column 2</TD>

Column 1 Column 2

<TT> teletype <TT>Example</TT> Example
<U> underline <U>Example</U> Example
<UL> unordered list Example 1:<BR>
<LI>List item 1
<LI>List item 2
Example 2:<BR>
<UL type="disc">
<LI>List item 1
<LI>List item 2
<UL type="circle">
<LI>List item 3
<LI>List item 4
Example 1:

  • List item 1
  • List item 2

Example 2:

  • List item 1
  • List item 2
    • List item 3
    • List item 4